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Manfrotto Rail Mounting Bracket with M12 Stud

Kód: ST-FF3214B
68 € 57 € bez DPH
Na objednávku
Rail Mounting Bracket with M12 Stud

Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

Comprised of a bracket to be attached to the ceiling with 4 screws, a 1m long M12 rod completely threaded, 4 M12 nuts, and a bracket for the rail fixture. The rod can be cut to the desidered size and then attached to the bracket by way of the nuts supplied. The rod must protrude approx 1cm on the inside of the bracket. When fixture is completed, it is then possible to regulate a perfect rail levelness by adjusting the nuts which fasten the brackets.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Držiaky a redukcie
Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 0.01 kg

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