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Manfrotto Top System 54

Kód: ST-FF3054
5 001 € 4 168 € bez DPH
Na objednávku
Top System 54

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Podrobný popis

Flexible, compact and perfect for in-studio photography. This overhead lighting suspension helps professional photographers maximise space and compose their shoots quickly and efficiently. Compatible with sky track accessories and still life accessories, this Top System 54 is well suited to large studios where photographers need to get outstanding shots in the shortest amount of time. It features 2 fixed 5-metre long rails, 3 mobile 3-metre-long rails, and 4 pantographs supporting 4 light sources. Easily adjust the motorised pantographs to a specific length so you can achieve precise results. Eliminate the nuisance of power cables and limited range of motion, all by suspending your lighting accessories overhead. This is particularly handy for photographers working in small studio spaces where there is limited room for composition. The Top System 54 is extremely secure thanks to its rails, carriages, spigots and top ends. All in all, it represents a substantial upgrade from earlier models. Light up your sets without hassle. Never let anything get in the way of the perfect shoot.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Držiaky a redukcie
Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 0.01 kg

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